Die Seminare finden vierzehntägig dienstags (ab 17:00 Uhr c.t.) im TOPOI-Haus Dahlem oder im DAI statt.

Datum SprecherInnen Titel Ort Material
18.10.2016 Silvia Polla (TOPOI) Between Demography and Consumption: Digital and Quantitative approaches in the Mediterranean Surface Survey TOPOI Dahlem  
1.11.2016 Undine Lieberwirth & Axel Gering (TOPOI) 3D GIS in archaeology – a micro-scale analysis DAI  
15.11.2016 Duncan Keenan-Jones (Glasgow) Digital Experimental Archaeology: Hero of Alexandria and his Automata in CAD TOPOI Dahlem  
29.11.2016 Chiara Palladino & Tariq Youssef (Leipzig) iAligner: a tool for syntax-based intra-language text alignment DAI  
13.12.2016 Christian Prager (Bonn) Of Codes, Glyphs and Kings: Tasks, Limits and Approaches in the Encoding of Classic Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions TOPOI Dahlem  
10.1.2017 Wolfgang Schmidle et al. (DAI) chronOntology: A time gazetteer with principles DAI  
24.1.2017 Nathan Gibson (Vanderbilt) Toward a Cyberinfrastructure for Syriac Literature: Mapping a Text Corpus using TEI and RDF TOPOI Dahlem  
7.2.2017 Katherine Crawford (Southampton) In the Footsteps of the Gods: network approach to modeling Roman Religious Processions DAI  
21.2.2017 Aline Deicke (Mainz) From E19 to MATCH and MERGE. Mapping the CIDOC CRM to graph databases as an environment for archaeological network research TOPOI Dahlem  


TOPOI Building Dahlem

Freie Universität Berlin, Topoi Building Dahlem, Hittorfstraße 18 D-14195 Berlin

DAI Wiegandhaus

Podbielskiallee 69-71, 14195 Berli